Refugee Week 2023

I had the privilege of attending the launch of ‘Migration and Compassion Without Borders’ film as part of Refugee Week 2023, hosted by the British Red Cross NI. The theme this year is ‘Compassion into Action’ and hearing from those with lived experience of displacement brought both challenge and hope. At a time of changing immigration laws how can we play a part that brings compassion … into action.

The voices we heard spoke about compassion having the kindness of the heart and bringing hope. It sees the individual - the person without labelling as refugee or asylum seeker. Compassion in its nature is about acceptance.

When we think of compassion we can not just talk about empathy or even sympathy for those who are suffering or we have concern for, but that any true compassion should lead us to action.

Glenside Farm has a part to play to bring compassion as we continue to welcome people seeking asylum or finding themselves as refugees and calling Northern Ireland home.

Exploring how as individuals and communities we can show compassion.


The art of hospitality


The rich tapestry of diversity and inclusion